With the beginning of Spring, we usually also enjoy the beginning on Quilt Show season. Alas, many of the shows that we had plans to attend have needed to be canceled or postponed this year due to Covid-19. To help keep you inspired and supplied while you shelter at home a number of pattern designers have come together to create a fun virtual quilt tour of different tips and techniques to add to your own quilting tool box!
So Welcome to my Cabin! I sincerely appreciate you spending some time with me. I hope you will enjoy wandering through my shop and seeing some of what I have to offer. If you have any questions please use the contact me button at the bottom of this page, send me an email or visit me on my Ladybugs Cabin Facebook Page!

About Ladybug's Cabin
I began to design patterns to encourage others to drop their feed dogs and engage their inner child. My collection of National Park Patterns invite quilters to play with thread painting as they stitch down their appliqué, and my flower patterns are a wonderful canvas to explore with threads, 3-D elements, watercolor pencils and of course all of the beautiful batik fabrics!
Living on the Swan river in Montana, I draw a lot of inspiration from the natural beauty around me; the constantly-changing seasons, and the majestic (sometimes humorous) animals that wander by daily. My quilts express my love of nature, and exploring blends of colors, fibers and textures.
Born and raised on the same farm where my grandfather grew up, quilting was always a part of my life, as my mother started quilting the year I was born. Just as my father took up the plow from his father, I learned to love and work with fabric from my mom. Her creations lit my creative fire, and much of what I've learned has come from our playing and experimenting together.
I was introduced into the world of art quilting after my mother enrolled us in
a class taught by thread artist Ellen Anne Eddy. There, I learned the basics of dyeing fabric, and the joys of layers upon layers of thread. Ellen's techniques and encouragement I began to develop my own textile art and quilts.
When not in my studio, I am usually teaching classes and workshops in both traditional quilting techniques as well as art quilting and thread painting. I love traveling and spreading my love for quilting with people of all ages. And now, with the need to shelter in place, I've enjoyed finding new ways to reaching out and being able to connect with quilters all around the country and world as we use technology to spend time together even when being physically distant.
I have started up a Ladybugs Cabin You tube channel where I will be loading some short demos, short technique classes and more. Click subscribe to make sure you know when new videos are up loaded.
Thanks for spending time with me! Happy Quilting!